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Upcoming: The beat of life, James Fuentes , October 17th 2024
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Nov 2024
Document with Minh Le
“In Coolieisms, aka: Born in the USA (Go and Kill the Yellow Man) (2023–24), the American flag faces him the way it did Bruce Springteen on the cover of his 1984 album. But if the Boss is its hero, the yellow man is its enemy. Scrawled across the stripes are grimly sardonic lyrics from the title track. American troops shall gut the gooks. Our guy stands in a counterpoise, absorbed, concurrently a pumped-up prey and just another man on the prowl. He wants to be penetrated, if the star-spangled blue handkerchief on the right side of his leather assless chaps is a reliable indicator. A Manchu-style braid hangs, like a whip, down his back. Lust howls here, carnal and bloody... ->”
July 2023
Brooklyn Rail with Andrew Woolbright
“I think the language the paintings create is a sense of mutualism, but also complexity, encryption. The signs—the objects, symbols, the language fragments—are a form of mutually encrypted code, protected through a cipher. And the cipher is the You-I relationship that I share with the subject. I’m interested in opacity, and honoring opacity, in the way that Édouard Glissant wrote a lot about... ->”
Nov 2022
Artsy Vanguard with Simon Wu
“It’s the summer of 1982, and I’m waiting in line outside of an East Village bar. The sign above the door states, “DRESS CODE: cycle leather & Western gear, levis and jocks.” Do I look butch enough? Later in the year, Vincent Chin will be murdered in Detroit, but that’s not yet news. For now, I’m trying to get into Mineshaft and I can’t find my friend who dragged me out to begin with. Apparently, Michel Foucault is inside.->”
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